Ashraf Ezzat

“The Hebrew clergy/illuminati, equipped with Talmudic & Pharisaic opportunism and deceit, decided to erase the Israelites’ remote Arabian history and invent a whole new one in Egypt and Palestine”

Exodus the true story-resized

By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat

History doesn’t only shape our reality but it is also crucial for our decision making. If our reality was devoid of any past experience, I couldn’t see how we could plan for a better future.

Though history is long-gone, it remains the only thing to learn from, as the future has not yet come into existence.  And if we learned from a false or tampered with history then all our perceptions of reality will be wrong. If we were given/inherited a fake history we would be bound to indefinitely linger in falsehood.

The real history is not necessarily the stories you were told in the school. The real history is the one you will discover yourself. Unless…

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